Project The power of expression

After we finished our ‘Happy & Healthy You(th)’ youth exchange in 2019, we felt enthusiastic, and also our leaders, and we felt a strong desire to come together again, to go deeper, to explore our inner world though expression and also to develop even stronger intercultural bonds. 

When we express ourselves we give some life to the thoughts and feelings inside us. Every person has the right to express himself or herself and feels the need to do it – we feel this is the issue nowadays more than ever and we feel this need in our lives and we’re seeking to address it through this project. Expressions are an important part of every human being on this earth. Through expressions we can achieve a harmony between the physical body and the mental core. As important as it is to express ourselves, it’s definitely not easy because of the barriers we have created within ourselves.

There is not just one right way to do it. And when we express ourselves sincerely and openly, we get to know each other better and we can create stronger relationships.

The aim of ‘The Power of Expression’ is to come together and express our thoughts and feelings through music, dance, theatre, sports and hands-on activities to balance our body and mind and to build strong friendships.

The project objectives are:

1. to actively promote the importance of expression in a balanced life through creativity and culture

2. to promote a physical and mental health among young people by promoting participation in sport, art, cultural activities and teambuilding activities

3. to promote Erasmus+ opportunities for youth, the voluntary idea and Youthpass

4. to develop social and leadership skills of the youth and promote social inclusion and active participation in the society

5. to provide youth with intercultural experience and create appreciation, tolerance and awareness of different culture

Impressions from our ‘Happy & Healthy You(th)’ youth exchange in Simhachalam last year –

Details of the project:

Applicant: Simhachalam, Germany

Partners:  Spain (Nanda Gram), Slovenia, Lithuania, Netherlands

Number of participants per country: 6 youth + 1 youth leader

Age of the participants: 18-25

Total number of participants: 35

Duration of the project: 7 days + 2 traveling days

There are two options for a date. The actual date will be decided on later:

1) 22nd-28th September 2020 (21st and 29th September – traveling days)


2) 29th September – 5th October 2020 (28th September and 6th October – traveling days)

Also, it could be useful to share the link of our youth exchange in Simhachalam last year ‘Happy & Healthy You(th)’ –

Contactpersoon Siegfried Babaji. Telnr. 06-19974418.
