Kirtan Course
Hier zie je een foto impressie van de optocht 010 = 1 van 30 oktober jl.
010 = 1 FLYER 30 OKTOBER 2014 VAN 17.00 – 19.00 UUR
ISKCON Disciples Course Online
Disciple Course which is being taught in English via the Bhaktivedanta
College in Radhadesh, Belgium.
It is especially suited for devotees who are unable to spare the time
required to attend the full four-day onsite course.
The online version lasts seven weeks and devotees can work at the own pace
and set their own schedule each week. Since the online course was first
offered in 2012, it has received excellent feedback.
For more information, including schedules and fees, please visit the web
The next Disciples Course online course is starting on October 13th.
You may also contact the Course Director, Dinadayal dasa, at